For as long as Selka could remember, Lejos was always by her side. Her brother was visible only to her, and she often lent her body to him, preferring to let Lejos be the one to socialize with others. Selka shares these memories with Amar, impressing upon her mother that she was born together with Lejos and grew up with him. The moving scene between mother and daughter has Alba muttering that the masks aren't so bad. The others agree before leaving the family to their privacy.
From the earliest time I could remember, I had a friend that no one else could see.
Wherever we went, we were always together.
For every step I took, he'd take three. I could always count on him. He was my best friend.
If I had a brother, that's how I imagined things would be.
My older brother?
That's right. You once had an older brother, Selka.
The instant Mother said that, everything became clear to me.
Lejos was the name of my twin brother. He was the boy protecting me all this time!
My best friend turned out to be my older brother. You wouldn't believe how happy I was when I found out.
Over time I leaned on him more and more.
Things between me and Mother started to go bad around the time I let Lejos borrow my body.
She'd yell at me for talking to strangers, and I'd feel bad about it...
I gave my brother more and more control as I hid deeper in my shell.
Then school started.
Yo! Welcome to the committee, fresh meat! As your mentor, I'm here to pound you into shape!
P-pleased to meet you!
Enrolling in school pushed me over the edge. That's when Lejos completely took over.
I mostly tried to keep a low profile, and when I had to go out in public, it was my brother that did.
Luckily for me, I had a private dorm room, and the teachers never hassled me. I guess because they didn't want to earn Mother's wrath.
There probably were a few people who figured out my secret, but since Lejos was so likable, I guess they let it slide.
But if I'm being honest, I think the only one letting it slide was me.
Down and down and down I fell. I still remember how cold the wind was.
I'm sorry things turned out this way, Selka.
What are you talking about? You were so cool out there!
I couldn't have asked for a better brother.
So I guess this is the end, right?
Not that I mind, as long as we're together.
Sorry, Selka. This is where we go our separate ways. It's time for me to leave.
No! Why? I don't want you to leave!
I've been thinking about it a lot lately, and this is something I want too, Selka.
I had a blast at school. Some of the most fun I've ever had in my life.
I won't get to see her again, but I'm glad I got to make a friend I could share all my secrets with.
But this has to end now.
If you keep living like this, you'll develop an unhealthy attachment.
It scares me to think of what'll happen if that warps your mind...
I'm okay with that. Whatever you want me to do, I'll—
No, that's not okay! Stop trying to make excuses! Can't you see that you're different for me!
I-I'm sorry!
Wait, that wasn't what I meant. Sorry. It's just that you've already given me so much.
How am I supposed to live without you?
Mother wants to see you too. But no one will miss me if I'm gone, so maybe I should be the one to fade away—
I'm sorry, Selka. This is it for me.
I can't stay with you anymore. But you're strong, Selka. I know you'll be okay.
You've got what it takes to survive...
Wait! I—
And then he departed.
It left a big hole in my heart.
I remember slamming into the ground so hard it woke me up. But it wasn't the ground; it was the deck of a Blue Liberation Front airship.
It'd been flying at a low altitude just above the buoyancy threshold, and I managed to land on it somehow.
Lejos, who'd always been with me since I was born, wasn't there anymore.
We were all strangers on that ship. They were strangers to me, and I was a stranger to them.
I wanted to be brave. I wanted the confidence to do things on my own.
Fortunately, the BLF doesn't look too deeply into people's histories.
So I kept wearing the mask of Lejos right up until everything caught up with me today.
Amar spends a long time viewing her daughter's memories. Reaching the end, she slowly peels off the mask.
I could see Lejos from the very beginning.
Even though I was the only one who could see him, he was definitely there.
As we were falling from Magmell, he made his own decision to leave.
When he left, it felt like there was something missing inside me.
That was all the proof I needed to know he had existed.
So you see, Mother?
Selka holds her mother's hand, looking straight into the eyes of the woman that gave birth to her.
Lejos and I were born together.
We came out together, and we grew up together. I'm jealous his time at school was better than mine...
But even though he's moved on, he was smiling at the end.
So let it go, Mother. You don't have to blame yourself anymore.
It's been a long time coming, but the pair have finally reconciled.
Not wanting to interrupt this tender moment, Alba whispers to the crew.
There are people in the world who'll try to use the masks for evil, like that playwright did.
But if the masks can also give us heartwarming moments like this...
Then I don't know. Maybe the masks aren't so bad.
The rest of the party expresses varying degrees of agreement. They leave the theater to let Selka and Amar relish in precious family bonding.
On to the next adventure.