mood: bad! Dmitri Hate Page

so you know how people make love shrines all the time? yeah, i adore that. i intend to make a few of my own, eventually. but waaaay back in the day, on, i had a page on my blog that was solely dedicated to hatemailing dmitri yuriev from xenosaga. i have since lost all content from that blog aside from one image (which was rescued by a long time friend of mine) and a few scarce memories of what it used to be.

this is... a sort of... recreation...? after many years, i wanted to revive the concept (and especially after future redeemed). i want to stress that you don't have to take this seriously at all - i'm just being quirky. dmitri is an amazingly well written character, even if he's my most hated character of all time, i cannot deny that the reason i hate him so much is because the game really builds on who he is.
tw for child abuse in this, as well as talk of emotional manipulation. and then of course, xenosaga spoilers, for all of the games. stay safe out there! ^W^
anyway, enjoy my 1169 word essay on why he sucks and a few silly edits to fuel the cause.

dmitri does not view any of the urtvs as human, obviously they are just weapons to him. this is supported with his actions, character, and dialogue.
actions - neglect, abuse, manipulation, using his children as Literal tools and stepping stones, so much moreā€¦
pointing to dmitri's whole possession of gaignun though, and how in xs 1&ii (ds), gaignun straight up has their memory wiped for a period of time when they regain control.
in ep iii gaignun is still extremely scared of dmitri despite being 27 years old and 15 years passing, the trauma runs deep and just shows how badly dmitri treated them.
character - he thinks he is the only good person/human. no one else compares to him in his eyes. he will be the sole human to transcend to godhood, and he's the only one that deserves it (according to him). the urtvs not being living beings in his eyes was by design.

dialogue - he likes buttering up rubedo and nigredo by referring to them as his sons. whenever he wants something, he always acts like they're his children that he actually gives a damn about and this is... a very obvious abuse tactic. by making them feel loved, he can manipulate and gaslight them... affection is nonexistent from him, so to receive it surely means something, and it's what they want right? obviously they do deserve to be loved, but not by dmitri. they need a genuine family (see: each other, helmer, etc)...

rubedo is really shocked at the idea of familial affection - sakura gives him a kiss and he just sits there flabbergasted... kinda obvious with parental neglect but you get touch starved and don't really know that there is such a thing as touch relating to positive emotions...

citrine talks about her comrades as being "disposed of", prompting rubedo to ask who citrine thinks she is... of course, citrine tells him that the urtvs aren't normal children. she has been conditioned to believe she is a tool. rubedo does try to fight this, but as seen with sakura, he does think of himself as a weapon. even in the future, he finds it extremely difficult to deny that fact... such as his final fight with albedo, where he DOES accept that he's a weapon and actually views it positively for a bit. albedo too, of course, refers to himself as a weapon.
the urtvs, and especially the variants *are* very human, but dmitri's abuse and the trauma he inflicted upon them is never ending.

you might be able to say something about the standard urtvs and the fact they share one collective consciousness that interprets rubedo as a complete monster was something programmed by dmitri in order to further dehumanise rubedo (and take away the standard urtvs' free wills).

rubedo commenting on the fact sakura has nice parents... and looking away when sakura brings up dmitri, deflecting about his mom since she was a genetic donor... and rubedo then immediately responding to her comment about trying to find his mom with the fact that he and his siblings are genetically engineered bioweapons... it shows he does not view himself as human and it's because dmitri drilled it into his head.

dmitri yuriev with cat ears

uhhh also rubedo being conditioned to introduce himself as urtv unit #666 and not rubedo. despite that being the name dmitri gave him. and it's a name he's proud of but realises he can't use it because he isn't an individual - he's a weapon, a tool.
the stance rubedo takes when he corrects himself is very rigid. other urtvs around the yuriev institute can be seen fixing their posture in a similar manner if they relax/get comfortable even for a few moments. they were most likely trained by dmitri to behave how he wanted, down to their posture and mannerisms when interacting with outsiders.

the entire helmer situation where he comments about the urtvs literally being 12 year old children and dmitri is just "LOL, LMAO you sentimental or something!?" those are your children and they're living beings. but of course you'd think that. they're just weapons to you, you cunt. he also never answers juli's question if they'll be alright, because he could not care less.
