Arche | Kalmia | Apsis | Phase | Regulus | Ori | Cor | "M"
WIP page for my OCs, please stand by!!!
This page is text and image heavy. Sorry not sorry.



Naughty natured, Arche is devious and likes causing issues. Despite what one may think, the Alpha Pokemon is quite the prankster and finds himself getting into more messes than he can possibly count. Of course, when the time calls for it, xe is perfectly capable of being dignified and a server of justice (and it enjoys this role just as much as its silly antics). Arceus is not an entity that can be understood by anyone, but perhaps... some have gotten close, with the subtle hints that Arche has shown them...

Xe enjoys secrecy, it's not your business what xe was doing 6 billion years ago, and quite frankly, sometimes there are things Arche wishes xe could forget. But things aren't often that simple now, are they?
Arche's emotions are not in any way human, so comparing him to the likes of mortals is not wise. Despite that, it still chooses to walk alongside them. Benevolence from Arche might not check out the same for your average Joe though.



Arche is often motivated by curiosity. "What will happen if I do this?" or "How will you react if I do this!!?" These types of interactions are commonplace with him, the Lake Guardians will tell you this much at least.
Xe does feel that xe has a duty to protect Sinnoh especially, and even if it does not seem like xe is protecting the region, that is far from the truth. His watchful eyes are always looking over Sinnoh and beyond.
In recent years since Arche has taken on a mortal form, it has lost some of its omnipotence and cannot keep as great a watch over things. This is by design though, as Arche feels fate should be left up to others and not himself. There's no fun in things if you know everything that's going to happen... At least, that's what xe thinks, supposedly. Perhaps there is a deeper reason why Arche feels so detached from the world...

While working at the Battle Frontier, Arche enjoys testing Trainers' abilities by making them predict what will happen in battle. It might be extremely unbefitting (especially of the entity known as Arceus), but rumour has it that xe will make people who do not pass xer facility treat xem to a hot drink from a local cafe. Is the Battle Crypt challenging? Or does Arche just want a fun cup of tea? Well, of course people do pass his test... So surely that isn't the case? Surely...?


Arche's past is not known to many, if any. The vast amount of time xe has spent existing cannot be summarised in just a few words. Its history is just as complex as its inner nature, and while it is fine with this, sometimes it does wish it wasn't so lonesome. The list of those who are aware of even a tiny fragment of his past is small, which Arche prefers. Said list is also shrouded in vagueness, as Arche does not want word to get out of their identities. The reasoning for this? Well, it depends on who you ask. Everyone has their own interpretation of him. It's almost uncanny how that in itself is mortal-like... But whether Arche is mimicking humans or has learnt something from them is once again, up to the eye of the beholder.

It has been said that long, long ago... Arceus used to walk hand-in-hand with its creations. In plain sight, in other words. Xe wished to guide xer creations and help them reach the best possible fate no matter what. But sometimes... The best possible fate involved serving justice... and thus, lots of blood has been shed in the name of protecting the future. It led some people to fear Arceus. It led some people to revere xem. It led some people to deny its existence entirely. But that too was just how things were meant to be. Arche was fine with this outcome. Never did it claim to be anything specific... How people wished to view it was solely up to them. Someone encountering one of its pieces would likely have a different outlook compared to someone who interacted with another piece - despite the fact that they came from the same whole.

"The winners write history" is something Arche disagrees with though. It does attempt to allow all viewpoints of the past to flow through into the present. It's just xer own existence that xe is sensitive about... As an observer, there is no need for people to be focusing on him. And if one were to focus, xe wishes not to overwhelm them with his existence. It didn't used to be like this, and Arche silently wishes maybe one day, hopefully, there can be someone similar to those xe encountered in the past...


Arche is clingy. It's not what you'd expect. He's enjoying his time pretending to be a mortal and learning all about what goes on in the present without having direct insight (most of the time). Although it could undo all of this at any given moment, it of course chooses not to. It needs and wants this. The excitement gained from simply existing is just too fun to pass up for him.
What's a mysterious trainer without an equally as mysterious backstory? Arche decided that when manifesting as a mortal, he would do so by appearing as a child who suddenly appeared in Celestic Town's shrine. There he would be found by Cynthia's family. And then xe would live with them and become a well renowned trainer obviously. It all went how it wanted to! But some things also went outside the range of its foresight. Which is also what he wanted. Does that still technically count as going outside the plan then? One must ponder this.

Arche is a Champion of Sinnoh and a Frontier Brain. His domain is called the Battle Crypt, and he is known as the Crypt Seer. He enjoys spending his time at the Battle Resort but he does lots of traveling as well! Whether around Sinnoh or even to other regions - such as Hoenn, Paldea, and Johto - Arche does love discovering all the wonders of the world on his own, with his own two currently mortal eyes.
Of course... he has a goal in mind. Would it really be Arche if it wasn't plotting something? Otherworldly events have been plaguing Sinnoh lately, which Arche wishes to get to the bottom of no matter what. It vaguely sensed this could happen long ago, but seeing it actually manifest into reality still caught it off guard. Especially since he's your not-so-average mortal boy right now.
Will Arche figure things out? That is the million pokedollar question... New and old encounters await Arche on his travels. Some known, some unknown. But that's what makes it so enjoyable!


Arche is very androgynous but still able to be pointed out as a bit masculine no matter in his true or mortal form.
Xer Kalosian styles are Stylish and Special.
In mortal form Arche's eyes are brown, but they have a red highlight - the same red as his true form's eye colour. This is a hint at the fact that xe is not human, but he is still perceived as a mortal unless he encounters other Legendary and/or Mythical Pokemon (or someone has the means to break his facade - which is rare, but not impossible).
When in mortal form, Arche hides the Azure Flute underneath xer jacket. Despite it appearing in the physical realm, it is not actually tangible. The only person who can truly access it is Arche.
Arche is also very fluffy, no matter the form. Often called a fuzz-head and subjected to hair ruffles with a side of head pats.




Many words have been used to describe Kalmia. As Necrozma, the Blinding One, humans tend to fear him and want nothing to do with him anymore. Kalmia feels similarly, and prefers that humans stay away from him. He is not opposed to using them for his own gain though, almost like a twisted sort of revenge... But despite his negativity, there are humans that he trusts, even if the amount is quite slim... It's hard to grasp what goes on in Kalmia's mind, and he prefers it to be that way. Deep down, he is very sweet, but this side of him is reserved for only a select few.

He tends to be cold and calculating, but when provoked enough he is capable of losing his cool and lashing out emotionally. In his day to day life, he tends to be reserved and peaceful, but whether this is a facade or not depends on who you ask... Some people are aware that he seems a bit... too sickeningly sweet and charismatic...

Kalmia has his quirks. For instance, he absolutely despises Tamato berries and can always sense when they have been used in cooking. He will go to ridiculous lengths to avoid eating a meal no matter how minute the amount of Tamato berries. He tends to be wary of spicy food in general due to this, but sometimes he will still find himself enjoying some spices. For the most part, he likes bitter foods and has rather refined taste buds.



Kalmia wishes to regain all of his light and does not care who he harms in the process. While he would prefer to not fight dirty, he knows nearly every trick in the book and isn't afraid to use his resources. He seeks revenge solely on the people of Ultra Megalopolis's dimension, but he is more than willing to use other dimensions as stepping stones.

He does care for a select few, but his reserved nature and general outlook on life make it so he doesn't let himself become fully attached. This is in part because of the trauma he suffers from Ultra Megalopolis stealing his light, and how even though they once coexisted, they betrayed him and left him in pieces. Ironically, despite being made of light himself, someone needs to show him the light - specifically the one of Pokemon and people coexisting together.

He has quite the reputation while masquerading as a human; people think he is mysterious and cool (and his charisma draws them in), but since he often disappears there are many rumours floating around in regards to his existence. Many trainers wish to speak to him because of his notable presence, but knowing his current whereabouts is a task in itself since he never quite stays in one place for too long. He often travels from region to region, quietly observing and sometimes visiting relevant locations to Legendary Pokemon. What his goal is, only he himself knows...


Long, long ago in ancient times, Kalmia coexisted with the people of Ultra Megalopolis. He shared his light with the world, and in turn everyone prospered. The world was at peace, and Kalmia sought to protect it.
Light was his very essence, it was just as vital to him as it was to the people of Ultra Megalopolis. It was thanks to his existence that people and Pokemon could thrive, to which he was revered and worshiped. There was nothing but respect for him, and he had nothing but respect for the people he watched over.
But all good things come to an end...
The people of Ultra Megalopolis grew greedy. They thought they could take his light and use it for their own purposes alone. Despite the serenity in their world, they desired more. "Why not share this wonderful lifestyle with other universes? Surely people have to see how great we are!" These thoughts filled the inhabitants' minds, and they devised a plan to use Kalmia as a tool.
They stole his light and twisted it into an apparatus and left the Prism Pokemon on his deathbed. Mismatched and torn apart, Kalmia used the last ounce of his power to enact revenge and attempt to keep living.
He devoured his own light that once covered the world, leaving Ultra Megalopolis shrouded in darkness for eternity. This was enough to restore his life force, but not enough to heal his wounds. He would need another source of light from an entirely different dimension.
He set off to the universe watched over by Arceus and attempted to steal the light of Alola. It wasn't personal, it was just his best option. But... things happened. Arceus didn't pity him. Arceus may have attempted to stop him at first, but as an almighty being that oversees all future possibilities, it decided not to serve justice.
Xe understood quite well how horrible humanity could be to Pokemon. It extended one of its many arms, and offered a piece of itself to the wounded Necrozma. While unable to heal everything, this allowed him to at least begin to feel complete again... And thus they lived together, in peace.

This wasn't enough for Kalmia though. Regret filled his heart. He couldn't even stand on his own two feet without the help of another. What was the point of it all? He was happy, but everything was still wrong. He was still wrong.
He betrayed Arceus, in the end. A Foolish mistake. Arceus still refused to leave him be, and called upon the power of Darkrai to put him into a deep slumber for thousands of years. "Forgive me, I cannot heal thy pain... Perhaps after many suns and many moons, thou shalt awaken again, free of impurities. May we meet again..." And thus the prismatic dragon was sealed... For the very few that know this legend, it is said that Arceus shed tears over this event...


Someone knew about everything. Someone passed down the legend of Arceus and Necrozma. An immortal of the Celestica people, but that is perhaps speculative... This person, however, is responsible for unsealing Kalmia... They did not leave him to fend for himself though, and instead told him about the current state of the world and how they wished to recreate the entire universe. Kalmia scoffed, for something that lofty from a human's mouth sounded plain ridiculous... but when bringing Almighty Sinnoh into picture, and how this would be a perfect time to get revenge on it for sealing him, things changed. Plus... this person who freed Kalmia seemed to have trudged through plenty of despair. Perhaps they understood, in a way. They parted ways at this point, but kept in contact... waiting until Arceus took notice of the abnormalities sparked by the pair.

Kalmia admits, deep down, that perhaps this idea is stupid. What he truly wishes, is to just speak to Arceus again. It seems the beast was betrayed by yet another, and has refused to interact with the world ever since. Rumours of a trainer who has a strange upbringing and an even stranger knack for... nearly everything, have reached Kalmia, and he cannot shake the feeling that this person is a key connection to what he seeks. Arche... just who is he? The answer is obvious, but Kalmia cannot confirm or deny anything... yet. So he bides his time. They will cross paths eventually though... but whether he should come to Arche, or have the trainer come to him is something he's struggling with. If he were to find someone with a connection to Arche and then pull the springs, perhaps that would be a better option.

To mend his relationship with Arceus, or to tear it all apart once and for all... Just what will Kalmia do? The road ahead is splintered.


Despite his beauty, he is highly manipulative when he needs to be. His good looks are a tool to him, although he is extremely self conscious of the scars that cover his entire body. He sees them as a reminder of what Ultra Megalopolis did to him, and thus he always covers himself as much as possible.

He enjoys fashion, and sometimes changes up his look from time to time. He does value comfort too since he deals with chronic pain from losing his light.

His assigned Kalosian styles are elegant and special.

He can hide his tail at will in order to blend in more with human society. If he had the choice though, he would keep it out.




Apsis is a warrior. She enjoys fighting battles and getting her blood pumping. The many scars covered on her body are a testament to the amount of fighting she has done. She wears them proudly, and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. But she isn't just about battles! Apsis loves her role guarding the oceans of the world and forming bonds with the people and Pokemon that rely on them. She is also a lover of fashion styles and adores researching why people choose the clothes that they do. She's pretty trendy herself though too, and she knows it!
Lugia is a revered deity by many, and her existence is no secret. With a smile, she coexists with all life and takes everyday one step at a time. Apsis cherishes the people and Pokemon that she has formed unbreakable bonds with. She wouldn't give them up for anything.

There are things she hates too though... And when she dislikes something, she does so with a passion. With intent to kill, she will stop at nothing to make sure that her enemies have an absolutely horrible time existing (or an alternative: she will hunt them down and ensure their demise).



She wishes for peace and calmness, both for people and for Pokemon. Apsis will always fight for mortals' right to these (but also for her own!). She does not like when things are in disarray, but she doesn't mind harmless antics here and there (she's not free of even participating in said antics either).

Her biggest motivator is her cherished companion, Phase. The two have a bond that transcends both time and space. The moon and oceans are forever intertwined, just like the two of them. Phase is currently not reachable, due to many factors... But the usual means to summon them - the Moon Flute - was left in Apsis's care. She misses Phase dearly and despite her usually calm demeanor, Apsis gets very heated thinking about her friend. She hates how Kalmia treated them during the ancient days of Alola, and how selfish he was to wish to steal Alola's light. Entities such as Kalmia are exactly what she hates and vows to fight against. One day she swears she will rip his smug expression right off his face.


The Pokemon Lugia live very long lives and are extremely resilient. There are very few of them, and those that do exist live together in a pod of sorts. Apsis is one of the oldest Lugia to have come into being, hence her role being one of utmost importance. She feels as if she has always been one with the ocean itself, and that it almost feels similar to having another body. Her connection has been noted since youth; she received the blessing of the previous pod leader and went on train with other sacred Legendary Pokemon in a very closed environment. Here she made many friends and learnt much about the world surrounding her. When she returned back home, she was appointed to be next in line to be the pod leader, and thus the true guardian of the seas. Her pod leader eventually retired to the Whirl Islands and Apsis took over.
She has never forgotten a single fight that warranted her a scar, as those enemies are honoured in her heart.

She lost her arm in a fight with Primal Kyogre. Even if the fight had heavy stakes, it was truly an enticing battle that Apsis looks back upon fondly. The details of Apsis's involvement in the fight have mostly been lost to time, but she doesn't mind much. She was merely doing the part required of her - she was not the main star. She had to take a long break in her duties to recover and relearn mobility. It was during this time that she made a home of Konikoni City in Alola. The people and Pokemon adored her and in return, she loved them tenfold.
Eventually, she met Alola's Legendary Pokemon Lunala. They were quite curious about Apsis since they had always found the ocean interconnected with their own powers related to the moon. The pair would often speak to each other. Phase would help aid Apsis's recovery and play melodies with the Moon Flute for both her and the townsfolk. Within time the two bonded to an extreme and entrusted their powers to each other. Even after Apsis's recovery she considers Konikoni City the first place she can always return to no matter the circumstances.

Given that Alola's history is vast, many things occurred between then and now. But one thing looms over Apsis - The time Alola lost its light. Necrozma, no matter how much pain he was going through, had no right to inflict such pain upon others. Apsis strongly believed this. To see Phase plead with him only to be struck down left quite the distaste in her mouth. Phase strongly believed in Kalmia and seemed to wish that Apsis could see that... but it was absolutely inexcusable how cruel Kalmia was being. Time and time again he struck down the pair, until it got to the point where he decided they weren't worth his time, and they were a distraction. In a last ditch effort, a youth from Malie City that Phase had a close bond with decided to call upon the power of Solgaleo, their twin. With the combined efforts of them, as well as prayers from the people and Pokemon of Alola, Kalmia was somewhat placated... At that time, justice could have been easily served to him by Arceus, but it seems the Alpha Pokemon had different plans for him. Kalmia returned the light to Alola and departed... but Phase seemed distraught. Something was on its mind. They explained that there had to be a way to help Kalmia - they were determined to end his suffering once and for all. And then they could return to the old days... Apsis was shocked. After all of that, they still wished to show him mercy. But perhaps since Lord Arceus showed Kalmia some sort of mercy, there was meaning in Phase's emotions over the subject. All Apsis could do was respect her friend's choice. And thus it departed for Ultra Space and left the Moon Flute in Apsis's care. One can often see Apsis looking longingly at her friend's parting gift... Wishing they were by her side once again.


The Diving Pokemon continues her duties. She can handle herself fine on her own, even if her other half is missing in action... Emotions are tough, but Apsis is tougher.
Recently, she has been interested in the reawakening of Ho-Oh - A Pokemon that has always been closely tied to her. Ho-Oh tends to reincarnate every so often, losing his memories and gaining an entirely new personality in the process. The previous incarnation of Ho-Oh was very strict and stuck to old-fashioned ideals. This new version of Ho-Oh is... very upbeat. A complete opposite to her previous form. This drives his retainers up the wall, but Apsis sees it as a much needed break. The two get along very well and have become friends this time around. Ecruteak City has always been a place of comfort to Apsis, so visits are sentimental to her.
Unbeknownst to her, Kalmia has also been visiting the city quite often as of late... And he has even spoken with Iri. On multiple occasions. Obviously to gather information for whatever his grand plan is... But without knowing it's happening, Apsis is helpless to stop it...


Apsis is very feathery. Her plumage is visible in her hair and on her clothes. She is also covered in scales when her skin is visible. These scales reflect ill omens and protect the Lugia from fatal wounds.
She is not immune to damage though, as her scars are very much proof of that.
She is also missing her left arm. In her true form as Lugia, she does not have a left wing either.
She is quite fashionable and enjoys dressing in popular, yet unique trends. She loves sunglasses as well.
Apsis's hair has white highlights, mostly at the top, bottom, underside.
Her clothes are adorned with multiple crescent moons in honour of her friend Phase.




A witty trickster when the tide is high, and a gentle mediator when the tide is low. Legend tells that the moon's state directly reflects on their current mood, thus making Phase an extremely complex individual with many emotions and feelings. They like a little bit of chaos and aren't afraid to stir up trouble when things are feeling bland to them. They are free-spirited and highly curious about the world surrounding them, however they do know when to be cautious and keep to themself. Phase is very sensitive to emotions in both Pokemon and people. It listens to the prayers of mortals and does its very best to answer them, no matter how subtle.



Phase is strongly motivated by the emotions of those around them. If someone needs a wish fulfilled, Phase will be there to answer the call. It tends to be quite secretive about the wishes it grants due to how personal most are, but everyone knows it's the one responsible. Lunala is a sacred beast, this is common knowledge to everyone in Alola, of course. But Phase is not always benevolent either. Pushing people's buttons and acting as a bit of a rogue is important to their morals as well. If one is not careful... their wish might have a bit of a caveat to it... All in harmless fun though! Sometimes the unexpected can have a positive effect.
Needless to say, it's often difficult to understand what Phase is thinking. Even its dear friend Apsis doesn't fully understand its motives. But Phase is fine with this, their bond with Apsis is still one of the most meaningful things to them.

Phase has a strong wish to help its family, Kalmia. His pain resonated deeply with it. Kalmia deep down is a very kind Pokemon, the reason he shared his light with Ultra Megalopolis in the first place was truly for selfless reasons. To see him genuinely smile again... Phase would stop at nothing to end his suffering.


Kalmia has existed far longer than Phase. He was the original entity that existed in Ultra Space. Cosmog tend to be drawn to him no matter how much he complains. Phase was no exception to this rule. When they were a simple Cosmog floating around Ultra Space, they took comfort in Kalmia's light. His ability to nurture the space around him helped Phase become the Lunala they are today, and it is incredibly thankful to him.
They have had many interactions and taken comfort in each other's existence for a very long time. The two were best described as family, even if it was in the wordless sense. When Kalmia discovered Alola, he advised Phase to travel there. The region was still young and could use some type of guiding force. Kalmia too, on occasion, would visit. The people of Alola came to refer to him as the Blinding One, and he was just as revered as Phase.
Unfortunately, one fateful day, the people of Ultra Megalopolis decided to seize Kalmia's light. Phase was unaware of this. The long and grueling process left Kalmia hollow inside and out. He closed himself off to the world and didn't even wish to call for help. He had lost his light, and thus himself. Phase would not find out what happened until much later, when Kalmia decided to take Alola's own light. The rest is history, and Kalmia's existence in history was burnt at the hands of ancient Alola's king.
Phase was miserable over this. It absolutely wasn't fair. Kalmia was the guiding light to them and so many others. To see him fall from grace in what was essentially an instant to them was something they refused to accept. And thus Phase decided it would search for a way to restore Kalmia's light in a way that suited him.
They found their answer but... It was too late. Kalmia's misery had caused him to be sealed by none other than Arceus. Disheartened by this, Phase decided to retreat to Ultra Space and commune with Ultra Megalopolis and its residents.


They still are in contact with Apsis and visit Alola from time to time. It will never run from its duties or lose sight of them. Things that are meaningful to Phase stay meaningful. Even if things wane over time, it doesn't erase how important those things are.
Phase currently is overseeing the evolutions of various Cosmog and Cosmoem and helping guide them along the way. One Cosmog seems to have escaped their care... but somehow it feels as if this was supposed to happen.
Although Kalmia will likely never forgive Ultra Megalopolis for what they did, Phase is cross referencing their research in order to aid him. The people of Ultra Megalopolis do deeply regret their actions, but they still should be held accountable. Phase is wary of them... but for now, working with them poses no threat.

When in Alola, Phase tends to watch over trainers participating in the island challenge. Although silent about it, they give their utmost blessing to the trainers and captains. Should one be lucky enough, sometimes Phase will show itself to them and bestow its Z-Crystal to them. The reason for this seems to have to do with the knowledge they've gained about Kalmia's condition, but for now nothing has come of it.


Phase is very elegant. They have a refined sense of style that has stuck with them for a very long time.
They often change the flowers adorning their outfit depending on the season.
Their cape doubles as armour and is made from a skeletal-like material. In addition to this, the rest of their body armour is made from the same medium.
Phase is a shiny Lunala and represents the blood moon. They can glow iridescent depending on the current status of the moon, but also when they use Moongeist Beam.
Phase also has multiple eyes. The headband it wears contains these eyes so that it only appears with two unless using its powers.




The Tera Pokemon themself. Tiny and perhaps even a bit adorable, Regulus is a hardy natured Terapagos that is often tired. It is very refined in its mannerisms and prefers to only interact with people that it trusts. To everyone else, ze is very cold and dismissive. It's not what one would expect, but appearances do not always tell the full truth. Some would even (rightfully) refer to Regulus as a tsundere. Ze absolutely cares immensely for a select few, but ze has a lot of trouble properly expressing said emotions.
Regulus does not like being seen by strangers and will often hide or outright retreat from situations when involved with people they do not trust well. Hir reasons for this relate directly to the fact that ze is the last Terapagos that exists. The overly trusting and often naive nature of its kind led to their demise (in its opinion). So they swore that they wouldn't open their heart often.



To thank Kirean.
Regulus cares for Kieran very much, and considers him to be hir trainer. Regulus has successfully completed said goal and now travels with the young trainer. Although Kieran is still finishing his studies at Blueberry Academy, that does not mean his adventures are over yet. In fact, it would be apt to say that they are just beginning, especially since Regulus is now in his care.
Regulus isn't quite sure what awaits them, but it swears it will stick by Kieran's side.


Terapagos is a Pokemon that is shrouded in mystery. It has never been well documented by any sources - to the point where most people do not know it exists nor the fact that it is responsible for the Terastal Phenomenon.
The great researcher Heath is credited with discovering the Pokemon, but unfortunately most people ended up thinking his work was a hoax. It was overly fantastical... It simply made no sense... There was no way, right? Well there was a way, and it's because of Terapagos...
By the time Heath encountered Regulus, ze was already the last of its kind. This was only speculation on Heath's part, but he thinks the combined wishes of the other Terapagos that once existed are what give Regulus his ability to break the very fabric of reality. In small doses, the original group of Terapagos could not do much, but with their powers given to Regulus, it would make sense why ze is so powerful. This of course was only one of his many theories, and it's not like he could directly ask Regulus anyway. Even if he somehow did, he wouldn't remember it. Regulus was curious about Heath but still kept a distance. They only appeared to him in a dream-like state, which wasn't the best for getting answers...

After Heath's exploration of Area Zero, Regulus went back into a deep slumber. It would not be until a professor from Paldea began their own research that they would find Regulus's sleeping form. They studied hir and were amazed to find how accurate Heath's book was. While unable to awaken Regulus, they were still able to utilise its powers.


Regulus and Kieran travel together in the present day. Sometimes they are overseen by Ori, from a distance. Regulus insists that Ori stay back, lest he wish to get seriously beaten up.

Regulus has a lot on his mind, which he often confides in Kieran. Lately it seems word has reached hir ears that Sinnoh has been undergoing some changes... Things are out of balance...
Surely Arceus is aware of this, right? It's been plaguing Regulus's mind, and the truth is that they owe a tiny thank you to Arceus as well. It's thanks to xem that ze was even able to take a mortal form in the first place and communicate properly with Kieran... The gift of being able to talk to people without risking their sanity is truly a gift Regulus appreciates very much... If it were to run into Arceus again, then it knows what it must do. The only problem is that Arceus has been missing for a while (And Regulus has a few comments about its personality that ze is keeping private out of respect for the original beast, Arceus is not easy to deal with).
Kieran has a strange feeling about a certain trainer in Sinnoh though... A certain Frontier Brain... And if anything, when Kieran senses something is off, he is typically right. It's one of the traits that Regulus finds interesting about him.

Perhaps a trip to Sinnoh is in their future...


Ze wears a very fancy hoodie. It tends to be considered stylish by passerby, perhaps a bit flashy... but Regulus often keeps hir hood up, which obscures hir nonhuman traits. And plus something about having your hood up tends to send a mental message of "Don't bother me right now."
When its hood is down though, its features resembling its identity as Terapagos are quite obvious! They wear a Terastallized crown adorned with Tera Jewels, for instance.
Their jacket also has patches of various Pokemon types on it, which resembles Regulus's shell when they are in Pokemon form. These patches can be switched out to be any type, depending on Regulus's mood or taste on any given day.




The most annoying guy you will ever meet, point blank. Ori is extremely loud about himself and loves ruining the moment. It's probably not intentional, but regardless it's not good! A self declared protector and big brother to all, Ori gets himself into trouble more often than not. He truly is a good guy though... Probably...
He cannot even take the psychic visions of the future he gets seriously and because of that, no one believes his prophecies.

As befitting of Zacian, Ori is very loyal to those he cares for. Once given a mission, he will stop at nothing to see it completed. These are good traits... So perhaps he really isn't so bad? No, that can't be true.



Oh where did it go wrong... But there's no pickle Ori can't get out of! Ori definitely has the world's best interest in mind, but... Sometimes it doesn't seem like that. Not when Ori is kind of going against a promise he made long ago... A promise with Arche no less. But wait! Wait! It's not that bad! That's what Ori would say... Always lighthearted despite the intensity of the situation... Regardless...
Ori is motivated both by a promise it made with Arceus itself but it's also a companion to Kalmia. He technically cares for them both, but the truth is that his bond with Kalmia has existed far longer than his bond with Arche. So he owes Kalmia a teensy bit... Arche is not aware of this fact and that's where the problem starts.


In an alternate dimension hidden away in Ultra Space, Ori's original home once existed - A parallel Galar not so unlike the one everyone knows and loves. But being an alternate reality and all, there were of course differences when compared to the stable version of Galar. Eternatus was far, far stronger than anticipated during the Darkest Day and one by one, people and Pokemon had their energy sapped from them.
Galar was crumbling at the hands of Eternatus, and there seemed to be no way to save this doomed timeline. As the world burnt and crashed down, Ori could only watch in absolute horror as everything he once loved died before him. Yet he did not falter. He refused to give in. If nothing else, let him be the last one standing. If nothing else, let it be him who says goodbye to the dying wind, and not the other way around.
And as if something heard its silent prayer, a light descended from the heavens. Necrozma the Blinding One had answered his plea. And thus, using the power of Ultra Burst, Kalmia fought with Eternatus and won, melting the Gigantic Pokemon with his light.
But the battle had taken a toll on Ori. He clutched his sword as he bled and wept.
Kalmia, noticing that Ori was the last living being in this realm, went over to him and looked the Warrior Pokemon over. He said that his life could most definitely not be saved. Ori figured as much. But Kalmia knew something... Something that could alter Ori's fate.
Kalmia could give Ori the leftover power of Eternatus.
It seemed ridiculous, but Kalmia had seen how Ori refused to give up. Surely that deserved some sort of reward... And with Eternatus's capability of altering time and space, anything was possible for Ori in that moment.
To see a better Galar...
That was all Ori wished for. The two of them knew not how Eternatus's power would manifest within Ori, and given that his life was ending, it was possible that things wouldn't work. But there was no risk in Ori's eyes. He clutched Eternatus's core and died at that moment.
Kalmia knew something else though, something he didn't tell Ori. So with Kalmia's ability to guide departed souls to a better place, he did so for the Zacian... And thus Ori was sent to the Galar of Arceus's domain, to be reborn there...

It took a while for Ori to remember everything. For a time, he lived as a normal Zacian in a normal Galar. But then the Darkest Day happened once more. This time went differently. Zacian, Zamazenta, and the two kings defeated Eternatus with ease. It all went okay. But that's when Ori noticed something was wrong.
Eternatus's power felt like his.
And then he remembered it all. Ori had seemingly been reincarnated into a better version of Galar, just as he had hoped. There was no catch. Unless having the power of Eternatus scorched into your very essence was actually a curse. But Ori liked it.
Ori was far from normal on the inside, but on the outside he was simply a normal Zacian living in a normal Galar.

And that's how he liked it.


A promise with Arche led him to research a very special Pokemon known as Terapagos. You see, Arche wished for the protection of this small entity and enlisted the help of Ori.
"Yours truly, at the service of many! Results guaranteed! I don't even charge anything! Let's just be friends! ☆"
...Or something. Despite it all, Ori was still looking to better the world, which led him to take on independent jobs for other Legendary and Mythical Pokemon. Or perhaps he was simply gathering info on this universe...? Who's to say...

Terapagos was so special that upon Kalmia's reawakening, he had already sensed its existence and power. Terapagos could aid Kalmia in restoring his light once and for all... While ████ had their own ideas about remaking the world, Kalmia set his sights on Terapagos. The only problem was that it was completely unreachable . Kalmia couldn't rely on Arche's omnipotence either. So surely there was someone...
That someone was Ori. The pair had finally reunited after what seemed like an infinite amount of suns and moons. Kalmia was greeted with a bone-crushing hug. Quite the contrast from the dying Zacian he had encountered so long ago...
And so, with Ori's ability to see the future, the two determined when Terapagos would awaken.

A bodyguard assigned by Arceus itself? It's not exactly a lie. Ori doesn't like lying... but bending the truth a little is totally okay. It's not like he'll do anything bad to Regulus. If you asked him for the honest truth, he'd tell you that it's fun to tease and enjoyable to be around. Ze is unfortunately not what Ori was expecting in terms of personality.
But playing the waiting game is fine!


Ori is capable of hiding his ears and tail to appear like your average cool guy! See: It can pass completely as a mortal. No strings attached.
Ori is quite charming! He enjoys keeping himself in tip top condition and impressing people and Pokemon alike.
It is toned in build and much stronger than average. It tends to hold back the power of Eternatus as to not cause a scene, but it is perfectly capable of using Eternatus's power for whatever it pleases.
To Ori, its sword is a woman, and her name is Stella. She is very important to him! Her scabbard is decorated with symbols relating to Necrozma, hinting at Ori's past.
When using Eternatus's powers seriously, Ori ██████░██░░░░░░░░░▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ██████████████████▓▓▓▓.




Thinking of a being meant to be a killer of beasts, you do not typically envision a carefree, laid back guy. But looks can be very deceiving, and Cor is indeed the man for the job; there is no doubt about his ability. When the times call for them to be serious, Cor is ready and willing to put their life on the line in order to fight. It's simply the nature of a living weapon, after all... And that can be troublesome, sometimes. Cor suffers from a lot of emotional baggage, even if he doesn't show it through his usual smirks. But don't let it get you down! Cor enjoys finding the good in every situation, including its own. He is no longer burdened by his past and he strives to make that clear.
Now if only he could stop getting into pickles along with Arche... but the pair's mischievousness is indeed something that can be considered charming. Maybe.



Cor has had many roles thrusted upon him over the course of his life. To the Aether Foundation, he was the Slayer of Ultra Beasts. To Kalmia, he was the (potential) slayer of God. And to Arche, he is Almighty Sinnoh's right hand man and protector when xe is in mortal form...
Currently, Cor is tasked with investigating potential threats to Sinnoh and the Pokemon world in general. It is highly sensitive to Ultra Wormholes and Space-Time Distortions being tampered with and uses this ability to protect those who might be in danger.
Cor is quite the intellectual despite his goofiness and thus extremely knowledgeable about the world. Having the blessing of Arceus itself also means that he is privy to knowledge that most other beings are clueless about. It's important to them to use this power for good.
For now, he's fine traveling the world and helping those in need. It brings it a huge amount of joy to have a purpose that it chose itself. The bond Cor shares with Arche means everything to him, and he isn't bound by obligation or anything similar for once.


Cor was the first prototype of Type: Full created by the Aether Foundation. As the first prototype, it was considered to be the strongest with the most raw potential. However... It also had the most flaws and reacted extremely poorly to the implementation of the RKS System. Lusamine and Faba decided he was a failure and sent him to be cryogenically frozen. Here they would remain, if not for Kalmia's intervention.
Kalmia was the one to bestow a proper name upon it, with the name of course, being Cor. Kalmia's intentions may have been a bit cloudy with vengeance, but he was being genuine about attempting to form a bond with Cor. In the end, Kalmia blamed his own powerlessness for not being able to see eye-to-eye with Cor. If only the people of Ultra Megalopolis never ruined him... Then perhaps fate would not be so cruel.

Cor would wander for a good while before ending up in the Sinnoh region to learn more about his origins. It was there that he would traverse Mount Coronet and end up meeting Arceus itself. The original one was able to break the remaining ice in Cor's heart and form a bond with them, which triggered Cor evolving into Type: Full once again.
The God-Slayer rejected his purpose and instead decided to work with Arche in keeping the world balanced... In a way... this was once the role Kalmia had... and Arche knew this. Arche saw this parallel. But xe did not view it as a bad thing. For that which exists outside his realm is special to him. Something not created by his own hands... It's a rarity, really. And for Cor? Having its first real bond is also special to it. Something finally in their life that isn't a fabrication...


Cor gets into a lot of trouble with Arche while it is in mortal form. The pair seems to always be in some sort of situation that could end extremely poorly. But that's the thrill of life, so who cares?! Cor currently is traversing around the Sinnoh, Johto, and Alola regions, looking for anything out of the ordinary. He often meets up with Arche to report the results of whatever task he has been assigned.
With the current state of Sinnoh being up in the air, Cor has been sticking by Arche's side more. It's their duty to protect xem in xer mortal form, after all. Arche might insist that xe is fine on xer own, but xe greatly enjoys being around Cor... And Cor greatly enjoys being around him. In fact, after Aeon met Arche, the duo eventually ran into Cor, who insisted that they join up as a team. Some extremely fake protests later, and Team AAC was formed. The trio sticks together in order to solve what is threatening Sinnoh in the modern day. And if you asked Cor, he'd say there's no mystery that Team AAC can't solve. So surely they'll get to the bottom of things.

Team AAC eventually becomes Team AAC+N, with the inclusion of Nameless - the defensive protector of Sinnoh, Regigigas. Nameless was discovered by Cor after it woke up in response to the mess occurring in the Sinnoh region. Initially its attack target, Cor was able to calm the Golem down, and now the two share a close bond as well. Cor sees a lot of his past in Nameless, after all... And Cor was even the one to bestow a true name to the Colossal Pokemon.
Even when they're not always completely together, the group shares an extremely tight knit bond. Will these bonds be enough to show Kalmia the light once again? Who's to say. But the brightness of their futures cannot be denied.


Cor is a rather lean and masculine looking person while in humanoid form. They are a bit on the taller side as well. He wears a tight-fitting undershirt, but the rest of his clothes are loose and breezy, giving off relaxed vibes. He doesn't have any intimidating vibes whatsoever, which completely contrasts his original self. The only scary thing about Cor is perhaps his katana, but he does put it away when in recreational and public spaces.
He has some unique traits that differ from the other two Silvally that were created by the Aether Foundation. For instance, his tail is longer and a bit more draconic in shape.
He might appear as an organic being on the outside, but his insides are more akin to a machine, as he was created with synthetic parts as an experiment.
He usually can be seen looking smug and a bit off guard. But make no mistake, he's very aware of what's happening around him - perhaps too aware.
In certain lighting, his eyes can appear to glow. Cor's eyes also change colour depending on what Type is active in the RKS System at the moment.




A trendsetter, in his own right, but perhaps considered a freak to the wrong person... After all, it's not often you find something resembling a sentient Pecha Berry just wandering about. And besides, it's not like many people even know the tale of Pecharunt. Maybe that's for the best though, if you had to ask M, he'd prefer that no one knows about his history...
But the future is now! And that means everything is about M in the present! Behold! Majesty is here to... actually just what is he doing? It seems their intentions are never clear, but whatever it is that they do, they very much love doing it!
Known simply as "M" online and among those who seemingly admire him, the Subjugation Pokemon is earnestly obsessed with technology and anything involving the internet. His full name - Majesty - is of course, representative of his being and what he stands for. But it seems... this might be a cover up? For you see,
this content has been removed for privacy's sake.
DON'T go prying, or else...
Majesty enjoys being a trouble-maker, which means if you run into it, chances are that you're on its hitlist. It's anyone's guess on whether this is good or bad though, for you see, sometimes he robs people of their League Points and other times... Well, it seems sometimes he does like helping people in need. So long as it benefits him. A greedy peach with a need to spread chaos around everyone it encounters? Or perhaps just a scheming peach with a soft heart underneath everything?

LOL, absolutely NOT!!!!!!! i told you to STOP PRYING!!!!



M seems to just do whatever, whenever. Freedom is their main goal and they have definitely achieved it over and over again at this point. It seems that Majesty loosely follows the Pokemon Trainer Florian around for reasons unknown. Florian was the one to technically start this whole game of dominos, so maybe he has a few words for the Paldean Champion...?
M often runs into Regulus, due to hir associations with Kieran (And therefore Florian). The two seemingly hate each other on the outside, with Regulus being uncomfortable around technology and Majesty essentially being a walking light show. M feels a need to outclass Regulus, because of how annoying ze is, of course. But is this really the truth?
whoever wrote this SUCKS. stop making me mad!!!
Ever mysterious, and ever-so cool, Majesty enjoys doing favours for fans, and sometimes strangers too. It's all a part of his plan. But just what is their plan anyway?
I just guess you have to stay tuned!~🍑


okay so... there's NOTHING here that you need to know. but i will be NICE and retell the story in MY OWN WORDS. because it's BEST TOLD that way.
Long, long ago, so long ago that generations of families have formed and faded... There was a Pecharunt - a very special and mythical Pokemon that was only rumoured to exist in the wide world... This Pecharunt... He was raised by an old couple, a couple that was absolutely enthralled by him and his wonder. It could not deny that this couple took good care of it, but at times... They could very much be annoying and hard to deal with. So, in order to keep this couple at bay, the Pecharunt bestowed his very incredible mochi upon them. This mochi was known as binding mochi, and it tied the old couple to Pecharunt forever. No matter what, they were now fated to take care of him for the rest of their days. But... the mochi... it had a side effect. Unfortunately, it heightened the amount of greed in a person's (or Pokemon's) soul. And this greed... it ended up leading Pecharunt to the Land of Kitakami. And that... was the worst thing for Pecharunt. The worst thing ever, in fact. It was here that the hero of this story encountered Ogerpon. And she... Defeated our hero.
Left to slumber for centuries, Pecharunt only awoke recently... And that's where their story truly begins! Free of that old couple, and free to explore the world as it sees fit! Finally! The world is M's!


And thus we arrive in the present day. Only awake for a short while, M was greeted by a very different world than the one he had once lived in. Normally, someone who is centuries, perhaps even a few millennia years old would be lost and confused... But M was greeted by a world that finally understood who they were! Everything was just so new and exciting and not boring for once. It was a blessing in disguise perhaps, being sent into oblivion by Ogerpon... But things always work out for the hero! Always!
M started small, mostly by discarding his old look and instead opting for something flashy and modern. He then started researching... And learning... And eventually, Majesty became a public (Yet anonymous) figure! With popularity rivaling streamers like Iono and Nidothing, they truly are doing what they feel is destined for them... But... Sometimes M can't help himself, and he dabbles a bit in misdeeds as well... Rumours say he is in contact with people like Cassiopeia... Doing who knows what...
But sometimes being popular is horrific. Do not get M started on some of its "loyal" fans...
that florian guy is BY FAR the most annoying. HE DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME!!!
But there's still enough anonymity surrounding M that no one knows their true identity. So perhaps they're safe. For now.


Majesty is a small, youthful, and boyish looking Pokemon. He leans towards masculinity but sometimes his gender cannot be easily placed - which is by his design, of course.
In the past he wore more traditional clothes and kept his hair a bit more unkempt. The clothes it wore were gifted to it by the old couple it once lived with. Apparently, M still owns these clothes, but who knows where they are... He certainly won't tell you.
In the present day, he wears more modern and tech-inspired clothing. His jacket is cyberpunk in nature and his visor, which allows him to be online 24/7 (He also made this visor on his own and is constantly updating it), are staples of his current look. Sometimes they do take off the jacket, and underneath they have a more simplistic outfit, but this is not seen as often, as Majesty prefers to keep up their style.
M also has a tendency to pin its hair and bangs back. It's cooler that way. Not to say it's wrong to be cute, but... M is way more cool than cute. Get real.
M can be seen using a Rotom Phone with a Ghost Type case on it. It seems to be paired with his visor...
His visor can show a variety of images and expressions, depending on M's mood. It is very expressive even without the visor, though.