This is a personal site, it's for fun but also hopefully it can be resourceful too. it's kind of a WIP.
Pages might take a hot second to load (not too long though).

Feel free to click around, or you can keep reading to find out a little more about me!

Hello! my name is CALICO, but I am known as SEER as well sometimes!! ^__^
I am a creature with many names, so feel free to pick one that appeals to you. Or mix it up!

I am a 24 year old entity that cannot be classified by any normal descriptive terms, but fret not! I do not mind them being applied to me.
Mixed White/Asian Jew, I'm white-passing though!
I am Agender and use He/Xe/It mostly... for those who I've spoken to, feel free to throw in She/Her as a jumpscare.

I am an introject of Rubedo and the host of an OSDD-1b system. Sometimes I go offline for long periods of time because I am not existing... v_v; Apologies in advance.

I have a deep connection (See: Kinning - I am a Kinnie) to Alvis, Loki, and Merlin. They shape a big part of my (otherwise unstable) identity and it's fun to be them IRL, I am cringe but free and that's what matters. I am also a strange foxboy that lives in between dimensions, and if this makes no sense to you, I do not really care. Let's have fun while we can, okay? ^__^

I am not afraid to show off who I am, although I will be cautious sometimes because the internet is a scary place!!! I love living my best life and I strive to show others that it's okay to do just that. Having my own little internet corner is very important to me! ^w^
I'm sure you want to move on to the other areas of my site, so I'll make these last few sections more optional reading... if you're curious about some of my tastes, please do keep reading though.
Shall we meet again~
( •̀ ω •́ )✧

Things I like: Lavender + crimson (colours), biology, astronomy, divination, cats, foxes, dragons, sea life, the sun, stars + astronomical objects, found family, cold weather, fun drinks, curry, bath bombs, mythology, computer science, digital/traditional art, my ocs (and designing them!), JPN -> ENG translation (I am very shy about my work though!), and much much more!
I have a very big heart and I love being passionate and loud about my interests, even if it can take me a bit to get the ball rolling when speaking...
Media I like: Xeno, Granblue Fantasy, Tales of, Pokemon, Fate, Shin Megami Tensei, Persona, Kirby, Fire Emblem, Earthbound, Kingdom Hearts, Minecraft, Flight Rising, Bleach, Cardfight Vanguard, Future Card Buddyfight, Yugioh, Code Geass, and Digimon!
The Xeno series and Granblue Fantasy are my special interests, they are very dear to me and I am always happy to talk to people who enjoy them too!!
Tales of is also a very important series to me... But not everything needs a label in my opinion! My favourite game from the series is Tales of Innocence (both the DS and Vita versions) and the characters decorating this page are from the game!! :D I like them very much, okay? ^u^
For media related characters that I enjoy, please keep looking around the site! You'll come across them eventually...!!!

Fun Extras and Personality Things:
I am engaged to Noir!
My little sibling that I share a psychic link with is Lynx.

258 + True Neutral + Naughty Nature + Gemini☉ Taurus🌕︎ Leo⬆

Tropes: Adorkable + Affably Evil + Badass Adorable + Cryptic Conversation + Deadpan Snarker + Foil + Smug Super + Stepford Smiler + Tsundere + Undying Loyalty + Unscrupulous Hero.
Yes, I am the world's most normal boy (I'm not okay, thank you for asking!).