A log of updates pertaining to my site! This section is more of a playground, but also a reminder to myself of any past, present, and future ambitions! ^w^

sorry for the silence!! i promise i'm alive... just a bit busy with IRL matters and kind of stressed over it... but never fear, i remain kicking and fighting!!! today i redid my entire index page, just for the sillies. it's basically what i had up on nekoweb, which is amazing, i'm just rooted here on neocities so i don't see myself moving (for now, at least). anywayyy i did another fun thing today, although it's small... kind of? depends. anyway, i love siete (DO NOT TELL HIM THIS), so i made ANOTHER section on my gbf shrine for him. basically just click on his sprite and he will speak to you... with his... quotes... from the hit game granblue fantasy... the styling is a bit of a WIP but it works for now so i'll just leave it. maybe. who knows. have fun with it. as always thank you for your kind words and support. i am doing my best, and i am not going anywhere. love and light and joy.
it's been a hot second since i've last had an update, hasn't it? as most of you know, i've been hard at work archiving gbf's msq. i am proud to announce that after six months, the project is now up to date with where msq currently stopped! 177 chapters and 3 acts, all bundled neatly on my website.
it was a huge undertaking and i am so, so proud of myself for seeing it through. while this was an extremely personal project, i am very happy to share it with the community and i hope it will be a great resource for people!! ^_^
my initial goal was to have it wrapped up before 10th anni, and i've basically done that a month early so, peace sign! even with delays and not-so-smooth sailing at times, i ended up with extra time on my hands. i'm so happy about that and i'm glad i kept my motivation up throughout the project. i learnt so much doing this. please check out my archive if you haven't! even if you're just browsing. :D
my site is also nearly 8 months old! i've done so much and i have even more planned. on the side i've added some shrines and such... which have just been a joy to work on hehe...
anyway, that's it! thanks for reading!!! and thanks for your support!!!!
happy 4 months of the new and improved calico domain!!! i have done so much in such a short span of time even if it's all gbf msq as of late. if you haven't checked out my archive of msq, i'm going to recommend that you do, you can find it in the "stuff" section on my homepage. :D
anyway... i should have all of act 1 completely archived tomorrow! that's my little celebration for 4 months. i really hope for the 6 month anni that i can have act 2 done. i have confidence!! i'm putting a lot of love into my msq archive and i'm really happy that it's been getting positive reception. it means the world to me... T-T
my move went well too! but i'm still adjusting honestly. anyway, i promise i'm alive, and even if the main part of my site isn't really moving, there are other parts that are!!
thank you for stopping by~
ough, guess what guys, i'm doing one of my awesome updates that i had planned for the site!! i love granblue fantasy, as most of my friends know, and while the side content is well archived on the wiki, the main story is lacking... you can watch videos of it, but not everyone has time for that. and sometimes i also want to just grab some text easily and quickly without going through the app. the solution? i am going to archive all 172 chapters of granblue fantasy's main story quest on my website. yeah. i know, i'm crazy.
i've seen people over the years try and archive msq in text format, but as far as i know, none of them have actually gone through with it. granblue is very special to me, and if this is something i can do, i will gladly move forward with it (it's too late to stop me though!!).
i'm hoping that i can go chronologically, and update msq weekly. it might be fun to check back and read new chapters, just as if it was releasing in-game!! ^__^
for a non-site update, i'm moving to a different town, i packed a lot of stuff today and i'm worn out, but in a way that makes me all the more motivated... hehe. happy TWO MONTHS to my website, also. i'm so happy i've been able to build this site. pure joy.
thanks for sticking around and all the nice comments, i do read all of them!!
see you next time!!
happy one month (and 2 days) anniversary to the new calico dot neocities dot org... i didn't want to actually write this update until after i had my journal page in a better state (aka, i needed to write a splash page, it's simple but works for now!). as i've said before, site updates are gonna be much slower because i've done all the main things i've wanted to do... but trust me i have MANY more updates planned, and i'm super looking forward to showing you all what i have to offer!!! thanks for your support thus far, it means a lot to me. ;;w;;
working on this site for the past month has been so fun and healing, honestly. i won't get overly personal, but everything i've put on here means a great deal to me, this site truly is an extension of myself and i am so happy i was actually able to convey it properly!! i was kind of worried it'd be bland and not interesting... but truly believe i've done exactly what i wanted!
thanks again~ until next time!!!
yep big news! well, to me anyway...
i have officially made a page dedicated to helping others get into the xeno series. it's right here!
there's a lot i could say about it, but i think all the information you'd need to know is on the page itself. go check it out, or don't!
i'm kind of going through the horrors once again so updates are slower, but that's fine. since my site is mostly up and running at this point updates are going to be slower regardless. i plan to have a proper schedule on updates that i can push, eventually. it'll probably happen after i have my journal online. that's my next project. ^w^
thanks for visiting and also following! i'm glad people have been enjoying my site even as i work on it... i have a lot of things planned that'll be here soon enough. >:3 buh-bye!
small updates, mostly to my about - it has a better layout now for you mobile users... i don't really recommend visiting this site on mobile for the best experience, but at least there is an experience, lol. i added a link to my guestbook, if you want to ever say something to me. it is there, it exists! ah, right, i actually have a button now if you want to link to me. enjoy. it has my dear e.s. asher android oc on it... i care him. i'm honestly mostly done with all of the "main" content of this site. everything else is extra (my journal and shrines, for example)... i'll just do some final cleaning up and then we're ready to roll. :,)
ah yeah, my birthday is in 13 minutes, isn't that neat? it was a goal to have this site up and running around that time, to celebrate it and such... i'm very sastified. hopefully if tomorrow isn't too chaotic because i am adored by my friends and family, i will write a small journal entry... goodnight (i say as i continue to stay awake, because who wouldn't do that on the eve of their birthday).
did some early morning updates and formatting fixes for desktop... very minor stuff, i mostly just worked on my roadmap for the site and bounced some ideas around. i have a 404 page now! i'll give it some more personality later, but it's good to have it up and running~
happy gaignun day and happy late citrine day! i'm so sorry citrine i just wasn't feeling the updates yesterday. OTL
there will definitely be a part two to this update. *peace sign fade*
Update 2 - here is my second update. i added some more cute links to other things. :) but most importantly i made my columns responsive to mobile. they're not perfect but it's better than what it was before and that's what matters to me. this is all for fun anyway!
alright! so i finally got things rolling for my affiliates page and other outbound links. i honestly don't know what to call the page... outbox (outbound?) is good enough i think. :D
i've been saving some links to webcliques and i actually browsed the fanlisting links today so i'm sending in some apps for those as well! they will all be on the same page, because y'know, the key theme is links that take you elsewhere. i think the graphics associated with these things are so cute and nostalgic. it just feels so freaking cozy. i love it.
today is albedo day btw! i wrote this up at 11:07PM which is kind of clutch but still a victory!!!! take a look at this sprite of bappy albedo from xenosaga i&ii.
i ripped it around 2 years ago. reminding myself to gif more of the sprites since i have them floating around... this site NEEDS an e.s. asher pixel on it.
on the topic of xs i&ii, it is an absolutely AMAZING game, underrated even by xeno standards. i know a lot of that is because a proper translation patch was never released, but there are some english write-ups of the scenarios from the game. they add so much backstory and lore even though xenosaga is super intense in that department already. ahhh i'm rambling, whoops, this is not my journal. welp, that's it for now!
wahoo! one of my favourite dates ever. if you're familiar with xenosaga, today marks the beginning of URTV week! anyway for actual site updates, i have completed my home page, which is just a super fancy about page. i activated my shoutbox last night, although i'm going to fiddle with it later; it's not at the top of my list atm. i'm moving these updates to their own dedicated page. i'm kind of at a loss of what to do for extra website stuff... but i also have a lot of ideas... if that makes sense. the problem is executing them and actually figuring out what i want to add... ahhhh i'll figure it out. hi again if you're here early! ^_^
Update 2 - ough, nested tabs were way more annoying than i thought, had to redo things. i'm cold and hungry and i want dinner. -_- whatever, they work now, as you can see by visiting this page... i'll make this section prettier later, i'm going to have dinner and open up xenosaga episode i to make a silly post on twitter.com, bye bye!
i actually have all my functionality now, yay! everything links to actual text and if i was more normal i could link to this and people could learn about me. HOWEVER... i am not normal and i am not done. i still would like to move these update elsewhere, and i would also like to add a few small, misc things... if you're here, congrats! consider yourself an early viewer, have fun browsing!
began revamping site. major wip. might end up finishing this in one night bc i'm insane and crazy. currently adding previous functionality from my old page. if you're here early, hello, and if you're here in the future, when this page is up and running, hello to you as well.