I wouldn't necessarily call this a shrine page, but I suppose it could qualify as that... The goal of this page is to serve as an introduction (Or summary) to Seofon's character for people who may not be as up to date with his lore (There's a heck of a lotta lore, mind you... so please don't feel bad if you're lost on his character!).
Here from Relink or Versus and curious about Big Brother Seofon? I've got you covered! Now you can learn about him and what he stands for. Despite him being a meme, he's actually an extremely deep character and I would love to spread some information about him.
The idea of this page was inspired by this video, but with my own spin on things!!!
SPOILERS AHEAD, FOR A LOT OF THINGS. Please tread carefully!


Seofon was added to the game on April 16th, 2015. Yes, you read that right! Granblue Fantasy was originally just a browser game, and it's been going strong for over ten years! Seofon is not an original character to Versus or Relink, he's been around for many years and has had a lot of time to have his story be slowly but surely told. Despite having time to brew, he's still pretty mysterious though! There's a lot we don't know about his powers and we hardly know a thing about his backstory. But I'm not here to talk about what we don't know, that'd get us nowhere.
So how do you meet Seofon? Well, the mobile game is a gacha, and most characters can be recruited by rolling for them. Seofon is different! He's a part of a group called the Eternals. Each one wields a specific weapon type (They're also said to be the strongest users of said weapons) and in order to add them to your crew, you have to forge something called a Revenant Weapon. These are essentially fabled weapons that can be awakened and used, but they have the power to destroy the world (Of course they do), so hopefully whoever finds them is a good person! The Eternals are seeking out these weapons. They want to use them, yes, but luckily they're protectors of the world so they want to make sure that their powers aren't being used for evil. What good guys they are!
Anyway, after acquiring the Seven-Star Sword, you will meet Seofon. He will talk to you a few times as you go through the steps to awaken the sword. Eventually, he will challenge you to a fight, and if you win, he will join you on your adventures! Hooray! There's a lot more to it than that, but that's the gist of it. Luckily for you though, I will be summarising what happens, so if you want more details on what goes on, please keep reading!!
Seofon is not a part of Granblue Fantasy's Main Story Quest. Instead, his lore is told mostly in side stories. That doesn't make him any less important though! Just don't expect to see him pop up in MSQ. I will say though that some of his lore is a bit relevant to MSQ, and it builds upon it, but that doesn't really matter until much, much later.


I don't want this page to focus too much on gameplay, as I feel other sources cover that in a much more thorough way than me. Regardless, I will touch upon some of the changes Seofon has gone through over the years!
On March 20th, 2017, he received a 5 star uncap, which basically just means he got a lot stronger. It came with new art and also a little bit more story! Just like with the Revenant Weapons, in order to uncap Seofon, you had to gather materials and forge a relic, which you get rid of (I know) to gain a treasure that can unlock the rest of the process.
Not enough for you? Well, great news, on June 29th, 2021, Seofon was able to be uncapped again, with a process known as transcendence. Similar to the 5 star uncap, he gained new art, new specs, and a little bit more story. His level cap can go all the way up to 150! And per 110, 130, and 150, you get a short story that details what he's been up to.
Aside from being recruitable, he also is fightable in a permanent raid battle! You can only unlock this raid by being a high rank, so it's a tough fight! Although it's been balanced a bit as of writing this, and you can really cheese the fight in multiple ways nowadays, it's still a very cool thing to experience! Please do spar against him as much as you can, it's enjoyable for everyone involved!
Seofon is a very popular character, so he's shown up quite a lot in Granblue! This of course, extends to the spinoff games. I'd say he gained a lot more popularity after the 9th Anniversary event, ...and you., but he's always been lurking around the popularity polls (And promotional material). The Eternals themselves are very popular, and I'd say as Granblue's writing has improved over the years, the hype surrounding them has only grown (Rightfully so).
Did you know? Seofon sings in Kimi to Boku no Mirai, along with his fellow Eternals Seox and Feower, as well as Gran (Of course!)! He received an entire idol outfit and character skin to go along with everything, and it's super cute! If you have the time, please give the live version a listen, perhaps while scrolling this page...?!



With that out of the way, I can finally get into the juicy bits. Seofon, known as Siete in Japan, is the beloved leader of the Eternals! That's right, he leads the strongest crew in all the skies! Which means... he must be the strongest guy ever, right? Well, yeah actually. Except... he never takes anything seriously and always holds back. His Journal entry has this to say about him:
One of the Eternals—they who stand astride the skies and across the path of any would-be calamity. Seofon seems rather carefree for the leader of the Eternals, but he's actually a proud and driven man. The fearsome powers he commands could shake the very heavens, but he wields them only to right the world's wrongs. He's also frighteningly fond of swords.

But let me back up a bit. His name is an alias, meaning seven (Seofon is Old English, while Siete is Spanish). We do not know his real name! The reason he's named after a number loops back to the Revenant Weapons. Each one corresponds to a certain number. The sword is seventh, so Seofon took his moniker from that. The rest of the Eternals follow this naming scheme, and just like him, we don't know most of their names (With a few exceptions).


If you are even the slightest bit familiar with Seofon's character, you will have noticed that he is extremely silly. He's picked on by his peers and not taken seriously at all. It's kind of wild since you'd assume people would respect him, but nope! They don't. Everyone wants to crush him like a bug or send him into orbit. Why is this though? Well, he's extremely smug and full of himself, which is a big part of it, but I'd say he kind of does not consult anyone first before doing things and it has led to all sorts of messes (NOTE: He is improving! He is learning! He himself says that he wants to cringe at how his old self acted...). He doesn't rely on people and feels the need to do everything by himself. A joke comic panel actually picks on him for this.
A very cute part of Seofon's character is that he's a big brother to everyone (Self declared)! He loves doting on people (Namely the Captain and the younger Eternals, he's 27 years old by the way) and just being a shining star in everyone's lives! Or a star so bright that it makes you turn away and close your eyes. Your pick! He is very expressive (Perhaps overly so) and bubbly and loves being loud about it. But of course, Seofon is not all fun and games, he does have a serious side that he shows very rarely. He has done many things to keep the skies safe and sound, and he is also very aware of when to tone it down. Two of the Eternals—Feower and Tien—were rescued by Seofon. They were orphans who could have very easily gone down a dark path in order to survive, but Seofon decided to get to know them and pick them up by the scruff. This is just one of many examples of him going out of his way to help others. His help can be unwarranted though, because duh. He is often super sad over not being treated well! Because his life sucks! Boo-hoo! Big Brother Seofon just wants to help!!
...Not taking that seriously? Good. Because you shouldn't. He plays the role of the distressed older brother and only acts sad about it. It's part of the fun!


Seofon boasts many abilities, and I'd like to discuss them!
First up, as you may have guessed, he is a swordmaster. He loves, loves, LOVES swords, to the point where I'd call him a fanatic. Swords have and will never let him down! Swords are the best! Swords are where it's at! And so on. He has a very special way of using swords though. He doesn't actually use any that are tangible. Instead, he uses something called spirit swords! These are copies of swords with their souls intact. They are able to be summoned and unsummoned, and despite them not being "real" swords, they still have all the powers and might of their originals. Seofon warns that touching them is dangerous, even if it doesn't seem to be the case! This power is a unique skill to Seofon, and no one else is able to have access to it. The reason why he even does this in the first place though is because he hates taking swords from their owners, so if he wins a duel with them, he simply copies the sword's soul and lets the loser keep their beloved sword. How kind!
The next ability of Seofon is related to his Revenant Weapon, although it's somewhat implied that this power is still unique to him - The Seven-Star Avatars! These are the deities of the blade, and each one can be independently commanded by Seofon (But keep in mind they also have an auto-mode, where Seofon can just let them do their own thing). Their naming scheme comes from the Big Dipper, with each named after the seven brightest stars from it. Star imagery is a big part of Seofon's character, if you've noticed! In fact, the Seven-Star Avatars supposedly come from a place called "The Sea of Stars", which brings me to the next point!
The most mysterious power Seofon possesses is his inherent ability to connect to a place called the Boundary (Lovingly nicknamed the Sea of Stars by him). I'll try to make a TL;DR of what the boundary is, because it's super important to understanding Seofon's character.
The Boundary is a place where all timelines converge. It exists in its own little bubble and can only be reached by collecting all pieces of the Sky Map (Yes, Estalucia for those of you familiar with Granblue terms is the Boundary, or it is at least located there). Huge amounts of energy are stored there, and it holds sway over the power of creation. Every person has something called a Boundary Imprint, which determines how much of the Boundary's power they can draw from. Most people, of course, do not have a very strong Boundary Imprint. The Eternals do have strong imprints, but they still cannot tap into the Boundary at will. Someone with the ability to simply access it whenever they please is an extremely rare case, however Seofon happens to be one of these cases.
When someone connects to the Boundary, their hair turns a brilliant shade of blue. For a long time, this was unexplained in Granblue lore, but as time went on and the story continued, we learnt exactly what it meant! One of the first instances of someone "going blue" was the Captain, as they had a skin that showed them doing so. Of course, this skin was related to the Eternals' uncapping process, so the lore has always vaguely been in place. I will also note that Seofon's first art shows him literally standing in a puddle of stars, so take that as you will!
When Seofon connects to the Boundary, his power greatly increases. He's basically tapping into the combined power of every version of himself, so it makes sense. It's only hinted at, but the Boundary also gives him vague visions of the future/possible scenarios. He plays this off by saying his antennae allow him to see the future and communicate telepathically, which is a lie. I guess. But only partially.
While not exactly a power, I do want to note that Seofon is a very talented chef and tailor! He makes pastries and also made an outfit for Seox. Just moe things.
Now... why can Seofon do all this? I cannot tell you. It's still a mystery. But... Personally I feel as if it's something that every timeline version of himself has the ability to do. I think it's just his fate to end up connected to the Boundary no matter what. Take that with a grain of salt though, I'm not Cygames.
But... timelines... are important. And explaining the Boundary... was important. Why? Well, here's my PowerPoint fade transition.


What if I told you Seofon has two units? Well, he does. The Seofon I've been talking about up until this point is the one that's been in the game the longest, but for the 9th Anniversary of Granblue Fantasy, the game introduced a second Seofon unit. This Seofon is quite different and comes from a simulated timeline (However, he is very much real!). While still Seofon at heart, he is a Seofon that lost everything; His world came crashing down. He now dwells within the Boundary and has full control of its power. He even calls himself a god and seems to have rejected mortality. This Seofon is even more haughty than his other self, and he believes he can call the shots in regards to destroying and recreating the world.
He doesn't have a name and is listed as ??? within the game due to the fact that he never joined the Eternals and he forgot his name back when he was human, but he is called "the Apostle of that which sits beyond the Boundary", which is more of a title but I digress. Fans tend to call him a few things, Sieten't, Seofon't, Seofon Alter, and Anasie are all nicknames you might see thrown around!
While disinterested in most things (Holiday events do not catch his attention, and the game tells you this), he is interested in the Seofon we know. He enjoys pestering him and talking to him. Currently he is watching the world through Seofon's eyes, and he has an amount of influence where he can sway his other self's thoughts and feelings. As for his end goal? That is also very much currently unknown.


Was that a lot? Because I'm not done. But that is the bulk of Seofon. If you need a sign to close this page and take a break, this is your sign. The next sections of this page will be going over his event appearances and fate episodes with a little summary of each. I will try to keep everything brief, because while I want this to be comprehensive, I also do not want to make it overwhelming. A crash course to Seofon, or whatever.


In chronological order.


Encountering the Eternals I

A Very short and to the point introduction to Seofon, although I hesitate to even call it that. You don't even get his name! You briefly see him talking about the Eternals and getting excited about the Seven-Star Sword (And being told to back off), but that's it.

Encountering the Eternals II

This time, you actually catch his name! He very excitedly introduces himself as the leader of the Eternals, but of course your crew has no idea what that means. So he uses the chance to make him and his crew sound like the coolest thing ever. Siero, the shopkeeper, puts him down and kind of destroys the hype though! Amongst all the silliness, Seofon suddenly becomes serious and tells the Captain that with great power comes great responsibility... but then he's back to being carefree. He explains a little bit more about the Seven-Star Sword and talks about how it supposedly has the power to destroy the skies seven times over. Menacing! He's cut short and has to run off to a meeting, so you're left hanging.

Encountering the Eternals III

It is here that we get to see Seofon talking about his spirit swords! They're floating around him and he's infodumping about them to Siero. It's cute. Moving along, he notices that the Seven-Star Sword is close to awakening. He says it's intuition, but one must truly wonder if this is the case! There's even a hint of aggression from Seofon, which makes the Captain defensive. Although he flashes a grin and leaves, it leaves the Captain shaking and trembling, which you know, totally isn't ominous at all.

Trial By Celestial Blade

Finally! The Seven-Star Sword is awakened. Seofon was called by the sword and seemingly comes out of nowhere. He seems very off too, and although a few explanations are thrown about, he shoots them all down. He brings up his words from before, about how with great power comes great responsibility, and turns extremely serious.
"If a good person wields it, they can save the world. If a bad person wields it, they can destroy the world... You understand what I'm getting at, don't you?"

And thus he tests the Captain to make sure they are the right person to wield the blade. It's his duty, after all...
The Captain wins, and Seofon gives in. He becomes cheery again and even asks to join the crew! You can choose to tell him to stop following you here, if you'd like, and uh well he cries about being a weirdo, then asks to fight again, and ends it all off with a pun (Seofun). Despite your feelings, he does join your crew, and he states that he wants to watch the Captain grow stronger and make a spirit sword out of the Seven-Star Sword. No one is keen on this idea, so he says it was a joke (Yup, it totally was... haha).

The Boy and the Blade King

This is a cute fate episode that is required to unlock his third skill. Seofon, the Captain, Lyria, and Vyrn are out shopping and Lyria gets pickpocketed. Seofon takes notice of this and asks the boy to return Lyria's wallet. Everything should be over with now, but Seofon seems troubled... Lyria even notes that if Seofon was okay, he would have made a joke (he didn't!). So Seofon states that the boy he encountered reminded him of other kids (Hint: Feower and Tien), and he wants to help out. Long story short, the boy is involved with the mafia, and Seofon helps him break free of that. He's extremely gentle with the boy and even puts his swords down when having a heart to heart. This one is a very nice insight into Seofon's character, and one I appreciate greatly.
"The crew catches a glimpse—however brief—of Seofon's strict but kind-hearted nature.
They're slightly disappointed to see him return to his usual goofy self soon afterward."

Just Another Day for Seofon

Seofon and the Captain have a duel. I really love that Seofon baits the Captain into it with a yummy treat. After said duel, Seofon gives some hints on how to make the Seven-Star Sword even stronger, although he seems to have no idea what he's talking about.
"But, like... wouldn't it be boring to just have someone come out and tell you everything?"

Typical Seofon! That title does not lie.

Seven-Star Encounter

Something about the Seven-Star Sword is bothering Seofon, so he has a chat with it! The sword talks about how it wishes to be wielded by strong hands, and Seofon mentions how the Captain is just perfect for that! But it has other plans and Seofon is forced to fight the sword itself. After that, it gives him the cold shoulder... so Seofon assumes it's lonely and he tries to make a spirit sword out of it... but... it doesn't work out, and Seofon loses consciousness.

To Rule the Skies

Seofon starts acting extremely strange after the previous Fate Episode... he's cold and to the point, which is completely unlike him. In this fate episode, he challenges each Eternal to a duel, declaring that he wishes to prove himself as the strongest and that there is no need for anyone else. This goes directly against his reason for creating the Eternals, but he doesn't seem to care at all. Just as he's about to land a finishing blow on Tien, his next fate episode begins...

Seofon's Grand Finale

Captain and co arrive to save Tien! Thank goodness. Anre and the rest of the Eternals are here too, and they're here to put an end to Seofon's schemes. At this point, he seems completely outnumbered and is asked to give up. He refuses and summons the Seven-Star Avatars for the first time. While the Avatars fight the rest of the Eternals, Seofon himself faces the Captain. Luckily the Captain wins and Seofon is yelled at. But... there's one line that seems... different... He says that he wouldn't mind dying by the Captain's hand, and that if he was gone, it'd be okay, for the rest of the Eternals could look after things just fine. Yeah man! Sounds totally normal!
Oh and also, FYI, it's revealed at the end that Seofon was faking being possessed the entire time. He broke free of the sword's control and just brushed it off. Yup! He caused alllll that chaos just for fun! F-U-N!

Like Peas in a Pod

This is the first episode that unlocks during Seofon's transcendence. Seofon and the Captain are fighting a monster in a cave, and after defeating it, Seofon reflects on all the trouble he's caused. He sincerely wishes to make up for it... it all leads to him asking the Captain to study the sword with him so that its power can be safely handled. Seofon and the Captain also have a very sweet moment where the Captain asks Seofon to train them, and Seofon makes the Seofun pun again here.

On Equal Footing

The Seven-Star Sword talks about its past and how it is the spirit of its first wielder. While it doesn't admit this at first, Seofon is the one who takes notice of the sword's true identity.
The sword talks about how Seofon appeared stronger than the Captain at first, but now they've caught up to Seofon and they're both wonderful leaders. But... the peace they share might as well be short-lived. One day, the two will fight again... Of course everyone talks back to it and doesn't accept that answer, but before they know it the sword is silent once more.

Two Swords Held High

After pondering the sword's words, the Captain chats with Seofon about what happened. Seofon reassures the Captain and says that they definitely have learnt a lot more, so there's no need to fret! The two have a training session to end things off, but quietly Seofon mutters...
"I want to go to Estalucia with you.
And there we can watch the sea of stars together."


Poacher's Day

I'm sure you've seen the art for this one (Maybe). This sure is an earlier Granblue event. I don't remember much of it but I think if you're easing into the Eternals lore and trying to put a name to a face it helps with that.

Bzzt! Amped-Up Summer

Summer event time! This is a very good read in my opinion and even if nothing too serious happens, I suggest checking it out! Good cast, fun interactions, silly plot, etc. Seofon is there and he does stuff. He gets pranked by Feower and electrified. Wonderful stuff!

Seeds of Redemption

The Eternals event for the 6th Anniversary. It's nice, the characters carry it and some people really have a distaste for it but so just go in with no expectations. Seofon causes a lot of trouble, again! Because of course he does. We're introduced to a lot of lore about Tien, Feower, and Seox. I believe this was the first time it was hinted that Seofon could go blue, but it was only implications at that point!

The Time a 37-Year-Old Former Imperial Soldier Got His Life in Order by Awakening to the Greatness That Is Saunas

Seofon has a very minor presence here, no lore drops but it's still an easy read. I liked it.

Old Bond

Highly recommend this one, not only for Seofon but also for all the sweet interactions that Captain has with everyone (Especially Vyrn!!!). Very lore heavy, big implications about Seofon and the world surrounding him. He talks a little bit about the Sea of Stars and Lu Woh at one point is fearful of his power. Also Seofon plays Sugoroku and has to stand around in his swimsuit.


Collab event, it's not canon but Seofon is absolutely hilarious in it. He gets poisoned. Yay!

A Sweltering Eternal Getaway

Beloved comfy cozy event that just feels good. It's mushy, it's fluff. I recommend it. Seofon finally manages to gather all the Eternals in one place. He is so happy about it. Nothing crazy lore-wise happens but I. Love. This. Event.

...and you.

The big bread and butter of Seofon lore! This event did so much for his character and answered so much about him that people had been wondering for years. This was an Anniversary event, the 9th one to be exact!!!! Seofon has an extremely relevant role here and this is where his alternate self is introduced.
In ...and you., everything comes to a peak and we even get to finally see Seofon go blue for the first time! There's a lot of pieces to this event and I suggest checking it out if you ever have the time. I don't want to spoil too much.
PS - The Secret ending to this one is the other Seofon's fate episodes, so please give them a read to fully wrap this one up.

Definitive Dandyism

Simulated Seofon shows up here! This event is mainly silly, taking place in a dream-like sequence, but one must wonder... was that really the other Seofon? It sure seems like it was... I personally like to think he was bored and messing around, hence why he was there, but it's anyone's guess.

Mermaid Princess and the Sea Legend

Not much to say here. He shows up at the end of this event and mutters some fascinating things. It did lead some fans to speculate that he was being possessed by his other self, although it seems this was not the case. Hopefully.

Heart of the Sun

Granblue's 10th Anniversary event. He plays a decently sized role here, but he is not the main focus. Mainly he deals with a prince who seriously hates him and how he distributes power, and while there are a few points to be made, it's revealed the guy is just overall kind of nasty so Seofon does what he has to. I think it gives a nice look into how Seofon purposefully is very careful about what the Eternals do and don't do and why. Seofon also goes blue here again, but it's nothing as intense as ...and you.

The Last Sumo Warrior

This event is crazy, It's a continuation of Mermaid Princess and the Sea Legend. Unfortunately, Seofon's other self did not appear despite all the fan speculation. Sad. But Seofon had a teased bisexual moment which rocked. He's silly in this event, as the entire thing is lighthearted in nature despite a few serious things. Typical Granblue summer event. If nothing else, read it to unwind. Just don't expect a plot relevant to his story or anything like that.


I thought it was cute to include, so here's a fun bonus. Every year, you can send Granblue characters cards for Valentine's Day. You will receive a really nice card with art of the character and a message from them.
Seofon, of course, has not one... but two!! As of 2024, you can send one to the other Seofon too, and he actually has a message despite not being interested in Skydweller customs!
Seofon has a bouquet of ten red roses, which obviously represents the Eternals. He loves them so very much. The alternate Seofon has one wilted rose... which represents that he lost everything dear to him.
I've translated both of their messages, please keep in mind this is a bit rough and based more on their vibes, it isn't a literal translation. I hope it is helpful though.


I didn't expect to get a present from you Captain!~ Seriously, I was super surprised!!
But you tried your very best picking this out for me, so thanks!
Alrighty!! I gotta show this to the other Eternals now! :D
That's why... I'll return the favour another time, okay?


You surprised me with your gift, it appears you have a lot of free time, "Captain".
Seems like your meddling is a good thing, so maybe next time I'll come to you?
And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you...
...just kidding.

NOTES: He refers to the captain in the same way normal Seofon refers to them, it's intended to be mocking.
The quote about the abyss is a reference to Beyond Good and Evil, by Friedrich Nietzsche. I'm serious. It makes me feel literally crazy.


Well, that's really all I have to say (for now). I hope this helped you learn a bit more about Seofon!!! He truly is a very cool character and one that is rightfully beloved by the community. Love him or hate him, Seofon!!!!!!