The next morning, Gran grips an unfamiliar note which reads, "There is another helmsman." The Green Knight tells the captain remaining blind to the truth would provide comfort, but Gran refuses to give up. Choice made, an unseen force gives Gran another piece of the Sky Map and reveals the route to Edan Island. With the King's Eye complete, finally the truth is revealed.
Gran grips a piece of paper. Written in the captain's handwriting is the sentence, "There is another helmsman."
The words mock and anger Gran, who struggles fruitlessly to remember who the other pilot could be.
As we discussed last night, our next task is to go through these books to find any mention of the fabled Edan Island.
Adding insult to injury, Gran's crewmates carry on as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened the evening before.
Gotcha. Let's find a way to stop the Otherworld's crazy tactics.
Yet even Gran's own personal memo is beginning to slip from memory.
The national archives are home to the kingdom's history. Our search for clues should start from there.
Well, let's hit the books. Sigh, I can already tell this is gonna be a long day...
Um, are you feeling all right, Gran? Do you need me to help you search?
Gran smiles and nods in an attempt to assuage Lyria's concern.
Pardon the interruption. My liege, I have an urgent matter to discuss. It may take a while.
Oh, okay. We'll go on ahead to the archive then.
The girl smiles and then rejoins the others who are heading out the door.
My liege, I cannot feign to understand the emotions roiling in your heart, but I can no longer idly watch.
"A king sees what the masses do not."
The words of the former king appear to be gnawing away at your psyche.
Be advised that he has more to add. "Focus not on the minutiae. Remain blind and abandon the King's Eye. That option is also open to you."
The implication behind Tau'luk's words is for Gran to let go of the nagging memories that haunt the captain so.
By leaving that weight behind, Gran can continue the journey freed from the shackles of the past, just like the other crewmates are currently doing.
No matter how powerful the Otherworld may be, my liege will surely push through and arrive at Estalucia.
Your father guides you, my liege. Even if all is lost, leaving you with only yourself...
The captain has undoubtedly lost much to the Otherworld's interference, and more losses are certain to rack up.
Would it really be better to journey from Zinkenstill to Estalucia alone, blissfully ignorant of the painful alternative?
How does that strike you, my liege? Would you prefer to continue suffering through hardship or leave reality behind?
Gran considers how to answer.
White Knight
So far we've covered this section to this section. That's barely scratching the surface.
Barely scratching the surface, he says... That's practically half the room already. Geez, I've got circles under my eyes...
What's wrong? Flipping through books not your line of work?
Nah, books are fine. It's just that searching through them is a waste of time when everything you need is right here.
The Otherworld has released their grip on me, and with it, the records on Edan too. Guess we have Gran to thank for that...
The woman disintegrates, leaving only a cloud of black ash.
Once she's gone, numerous pages spew from a nearby bookshelf.
Wh-what the heck's goin' on!
Hey, check this out! These pages talk about Edan Island!
This page has the island's coordinates. We should be able to plot a course if we show it to Gran.
That's great.
What's up, Lyria? What're you lookin' at?
I... don't know. I could've sworn someone was standing over there.
Green Knight Octavia regards Gran in silence.
How does that strike you, my liege? Would you prefer to continue suffering through hardship or leave reality behind?
Before Gran can answer, the captain senses that another change has occurred.
Gran's hand, which is still clutching the note written the night before, suddenly feels heavier.
Gran slowly unfurls their fingers to reveal the final map piece.
My liege, you have made your choice; not through words but through your will.
The Otherworld will paint over facts. Ultimately, however, the hand that holds that brush belongs to the invisible dead.
It is the will of the living that can stay the hand of the deceased. All skydwellers possess the will to defy the universe.
Will and choice give rise to the power to slay. Your fiery determination is particularly strong.
Congratulations on carving a new path forward. You have managed to scrape off the paint that buried Edan.
Gran stares confusedly at the map piece.
What you hold is a point of recall. It has returned to its rightful place in order to shed light on the truth.
When all Sky Map pieces are gathered, they act in tandem.
Octavia produces a gleaming bangle.
You must make another choice, my liege. Will you accept the True King's Testament and view the world through the lens of the king?
Thereby gazing upon the truth obscured by the Otherworld's invisible hand?
Gran reaches out to take the King's Testament, as if being pulled in by its gravity.
With Eye tempered by Testament, it becomes clear what Gran has lost.